Quick Start Guide
NFT2Jira - Insight NFT Importer for Jira is an app that will enable you to fetch NFTs from several Blockchains. It is an Insight Importer so you will need have Jira Service Management or Insight app installed previously in you Jira instance. This guide will show you step by step how to install, configure and run your first synchronization. Let’s start!
This section will show you how install the app in you Jira instance.
System requirements
Be a Jira Administrator.
Access to Atlassian Marketplace via Internet.
Jira Server/Data Center versions have to be compatible the range of versions supported by this app.
Browse to NFT2Jira page on Atlassian Marketplace and click on the button: Get it now
Go to Settings > Manage apps
Click on: Upload app
Click on: Select a file
Pick the file downdloaded in the step 1 and click on: Open
Click on: Upload button.
Wait a few seconds while the system installs the app.
Once it is done, click on: Close
Configuration from scratch
This section will show you how to create an Insight schema and configure it with the structure and configuration predefined.
In the navigation bar, click on: Insight > Insight Object Schemas
Click on: Create Object Schema
Select: Empty Object Schema and click on: Next
Write a Name (e.g. NFT) and click on: Create
In the Schemas list, on our new schema, click on Settings > Configure
In the tap bar, click on: Import
Click on the link: Be the first to create one
Click on: NFT Import and scroll down to click Next
Write a Name for this importer (e.g. NFT Importer)
Introduce the parameters for search the NFTs and click on Next
+ Network: Where are the NFTs located (Ethereum, Binance, Polygon, …)
+ Filter: What fields of the NFT will be used to search in.
+ Query: Text that contains the NFT in the field selected in the filter parameter. E.g. PancakeIn Synchronizing Account select the Jira user who will create the Insight objects and click on: Save Import configuration
Click on: Create predefined Insight structure
Select NFT and click on Create predefined configuration
Finally click on: Close
Sync on demand
This section will show you how run a synchronization on demand.
System requirements
Jira instance must have Internet access or at least allowed the TCP traffic with the domain: https://deep-index.moralis.io/ for fetching NFTs information.
On the importer configured in the previous section, click on Settings > Enable
Click again in Settings and this time in Synchronize
Click on Synchronize
Wait until the process will done.
Review the report and click on Close
Blockchain networks are public and not all NFT attributes contains the information in the expected format or even in the right attribute.
By default, the importer will try to set the better Insight attribute type value according to the NFTs specification (e.g. token_uri as URL). But like in the following example, the objects don’t fit the specification will fail.
This does not mean de sync was fail. Only means there was some objects whoses attributes couldn't be cast to Insight attributes expected. To check exactly what objects where skipped you can check the Insight logs.
You can relax this format constraints changing the data type of the attributes in Insight (e.g. URL → String) before sync.
Click on the Schema name for going to the object list synced
Check there are new objects in the schema
You synced your first NFTs from Blockchain network. Now you can use them as any other Insight object!
To add additional NFTs you only need to configure new NFT Importers.